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Choosing Your Niche

Having trouble selecting your niche or niches?

Often this means you have a lot of experience and passion. This is a great thing!

Know that the average age of a new coach is 45 so everyone is bringing a wealth of life and work experience to the table.

Below are some points to think about when making your course selection.

- We recommend choosing the niche or niches that tug at your heart most

- When choosing you niche think about what you want to be know for in 20 years

- Know that the course takes you through niche clarification and strategy so you WILL be clear as you move through the course

- Because of this we allow you to switch your niche up to the very last of your core module (module/class 16) so you are not stuck with a niche that isn't going to work for you --- a lot of awareness happens during the course so switching can very well happen

- Your niche is your lead; how you will attract clients --- but you will end up coaching the whole person or whole business!

- All courses include CPC training which enables you to handle anything the client throws at you -- clients always choose the topic for each session and as you work with them week to week the topic may not always be within your selected niche

If you are still stuck, just give us a call at 1-877-633-5082 and one of our advisors will be able to help!